The travel and hospitality industry is entering into an unexpected journey.
Trials, struggles, challenges are ahead of us; but it is all a part of the adventure of our lives.
Do not despair, for although the canvas may seem dark, we now have the opportunity to paint an incredible picture of the future.
Join host Michael O’Fallon for the inaugural episode of The Epoch of Travel.
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Michael Shalom,
I hope you, your family and your team are well and safe.
I also hope that you were able to have a meaningful Easter.
Thank you for this uplifting, inspirational and wise message.
I know we will rise to the challenge you outlined.
In these days of Passover, I cannot but think of Naashon (Nachson), who according to Jewish tradition was the person who initiated the Hebrew’s passage through the Red Sea once Moses parted the water.
Our challenge is to find those among our clients who can and will be the Naashons! We do not have to immediately have dozens or hundreds of them. Let’s start with the few who will be leading the way to those who will observe and follow.
I look forward to the next podcast.