The Sovereign Alliance
Within the Sovereign Alliance, there are three co-equal, co-existent companies: Sovereign Productions and Events, Sovereign Cruises, and Sovereign Luxury Experiences. All three companies will work together as a whole to maximize your organization’s live event strategies.
Our exclusive focus is planning meetings and events at sea. We listen to your needs, help you select the right ship, and translate your program to the seagoing environment. At Sovereign, our team of meetings-at-sea experts removes the unknowns related to cruise events and help you maximize your ROI.
What We Do

With over 50 years of combined experience, Sovereign offers consultation to businesses, non-profits and the travel industry to help grow their organization and increase their bottom line.

Hotel Procurement
Searching, finding, and contracting the perfect hotel or convention space for your event is our specialty. Sovereign will do the hard work on your behalf to blend your corporate ethos to the right venue.

Strategic Intelligence
The science of what your audience will respond to and how they will in turn act, that is the center of our approach to your strategic messaging before, during, and after your event.

Contract Negotiations
With our years of experience and developed relationships with our industry partners, Sovereign will land you the best deal with all suppliers.

Marketing and Design
Our creative team can help you develop and execute your branding and social media marketing to help you build engagement and followers.

Audio Visual
Our technical specialists and staging professionals understand the unique requirements of any event to ensure that sound, lighting, staging, and all other technical elements are a success.